24 research outputs found

    A Layered Component-Based Architecture of a Virtual Learning Environment

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    Developing an Architecture for the Software Subsystem of a Learning Technology System – an Engineering Approach

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    There exists an urgent demand on defining architectures for Learning Technology Systems (LTS), so that high-level frameworks for understanding these systems can be discovered, portability, interoperability and reusability can be achieved and adaptability over time can be accomplished. In this paper we propose an architecting process for only the software subsystem of an LTS. We base our work upon the LTSA working standard of IEEE LTSC, which serves as a business model and on the practices of a well-established software engineering process. Special emphasis is granted on imposing a component-based nature on the produced architecture

    A new approach to collaborative creativity support of new product designers

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    Bitter-Rijpkema, M., Sloep, P. B., Sie, R., Van Rosmalen, P., Retalis, S., & Katsamani, M. (2011). A new approach to collaborative creativity support of new product designers. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 7(4), 478-492. DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2011.042992Effective collaborative creativity is crucial to contemporary professionals who have to continuously produce innovative products and services. The technological nature and complexity of the innovations require team work, among specialists from different disciplines. Often these teams work in a distributed fashion, across boundaries of time and place. Therefore they need electronic “spaces” that support (‘afford’) their creative collaboration. Co-creativity support is not only a matter of making appropriate groupware spaces available but also of providing concurrent support in all these dimensions. These considerations inspired the development of the idSpace platform. idSpace is a collaboration platform integrating a variety of creativity tools with pedagogy-based guidance. It aims to optimize both the use of creativity techniques themselves and of the supporting processes of team collaboration and knowledge creation. In this paper we zoom in on Knowledge-sharing Strategies for Collaborative Creativity (KS4CC). We show how collaborative creativity can be enhanced via integration of pattern-based pedagogical flow support, including suggestions of optimal use of creativity techniques. The KS4CC strategies consist of a merger of learning and collaboration flow patterns with support for the application of creative techniques

    D.2.1:Teacher Training Handbook (version 2)

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    The scope of this deliverable is to present the teacher professionalization approach around the theme of formative (e-)assessment of 21st century skills as adopted by the PREATY project. It is meant to inform teacher trainers that are active within primary and secondary schools settings as well as interested teachers on 21st century skills and formative (e-)assessment concepts, professionalization methods and activities as well as implementation opportunities within a school setting. Usable and feasible training resources around formative e-assessment are collected and/or developed and we describe how these training resources can be used for the need of local training workshops

    D.5.1:PREATY Dissemination plan and activities (version 2)

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    This document is framed within the European Lifelong Learning project “Proposing modern e-assessment approaches and tools to young and experienced in-service teachers” (PREATY). The aim of this document is to specify and explain the steps that the PREATY project team will undertake to ensure effective and efficient dissemination to develop awareness and knowledge about the project. Dissemination is seen as a targeted, systematic process that is not left for the end of a project, but as a continuous process. Therefore, this document will change and be updated during the project. The document comprises of three main parts and four attachments; Part 1: Contains a short description of the objectives of the PREATY project. Part 2: Provides an overview of the dissemination objectives of the PREATY project and presents the various target audiences towards whom the project’s dissemination efforts and formats are geared. Part 3: Describes the dissemination activities and achievements of the PREATY project and the derived conclusion Attachment 1: Presents a plan for reaching these target audiences and achieving the dissemination goals. The main dissemination tools, products and activities are outlined and scheduled. Attachment 2: Provides an overview of and logs dissemination activities carried out Attachment 3: Provides examples of third parties communicating about PREATY Attachment 4: Provides an overview of articles and facebook posts of Eurotraining The most important aims of our dissemination efforts was that our target audiences (primary/secondary teachers, pedagogical researchers and policy makers) became aware of, understand and where feasible, participated to the PREATY project (professionalization) activities and events on formative e-assessment of 21st century skills. Especially primary and secondary teachers needed to become aware of what the project could offer them that could be useful for their daily teaching practices. Looking at the dissemination table at least 1500 members of the intended target audiences were reached through the PREATY dissemination efforts.We would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the PREATY Project, that is funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme, Project Number 526965-LLP-1-2012-1- GR-COMENIUS-CMP, which has part-funded this work